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A Recap of Applanix' Airborne Mapping & Surveying Workshop

Surrounded by a breathtaking panorama of snow dusted mountains, nearly 80 industry professionals convened in Broomfield, Colorado for Applanix and Phase One Industrial’s joint Workshop on Airborne Mapping and Surveying. The two-day event was hosted at the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport, and examined some of the innovations, challenges, and opportunities facing today’s experts in the field of airborne mapping and surveying.




Both days’ sessions addressed aerial imagery and high-performance mapping from both manned (planes, helicopters) and unmanned (UASs/UAVs) vehicles, while a host of guest speakers provided rich user insights through real-world application stories. Participants were also treated to a surprise Plane Demo on both days that walked audiences through the installation of a Phase One camera plus Applanix Positioning and Orientation System.



Guests rallied for Tuesday’s pre-event social outing: an NBA game that saw the Denver Nuggets face-off against the Atlanta Hawks. Then, to unwind, they mingled amidst the rustic ambience of the Renaissance Boulder Flatiron Hotel during Wednesday night’s Networking Reception. Hot lunches, snacks, and beverages were also served daily throughout the event.  



All in all, November’s workshop provided industry stakeholders – airborne sensor or system manufacturers, integrators, and those involved in the mapping and GIS business segment – an amazing opportunity to learn, share, and network with one another, while hearing more about Applanix and Phase One Industrial solutions. It offered the perfect mix of information, fun, and festivities in the way of a memorable, “turbulence-free” airborne fall retreat.



Thank you to our Guest Speakers

- Listed in presentation order - 


Antoine Rose, Professional Photographer. “Aerial Photography and the Benefits of a Truly Industrial-Designed Medium Format Camera”

David M. Patterson, Ardenna. Case Study: “High-Accuracy Drone Mapping with the 100MP Camera & Applanix APX-15 UAV”

Oodi Menaker, Phase One Industrial, Israel. Case Study: “iX Flight and iX Capture and their Benefits to the End-User”

Kirk Demuth & Don Cummins, Air Data Solutions. Case Study: “Making Agricultural Management Decisions: Mapping with the Phase One 4-Band System, including the Applanix POS AVX 210”

James Hume, Eagle Mapping. Case Study: “Obtaining RGB & 4-Band Triangulation Imagery with the Phase One Aerial System and Applanix POS AV”

Nicholas Johnson & Heath Harwood, US Army. “Large Format Imagery Mapping: AT Accuracies, Ground Control Layout and Mosaic DTM/DSM Accuracies Obtained with the Phase One Aerial System and Applanix POS AV 610”



A Special Thank You to Our Partner








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